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CSEL Fortunatianus: Text, Translation and Collective Volume – CSEL

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CSEL Fortunatianus: Text, Translation and Collective Volume

Fortunatianus Aquileiensis, Commentarii in evangelia – ed. L. J. Dorfbauer (CSEL 103)

In 2012, Lukas Dorfbauer identified a manuscript in Cologne Cathedral Library as a copy of the Commentary on the Gospels by Fortunatianus, bishop of Aquileia in the middle of the fourth century. This discovery enabled him to identify further witnesses to the commentary and works dependent on it.
This volume contains the first edition of the commentaries on the gospels by Bishop Fortunatianus of Aquileia (mid-4th century). The critical edition of the text includes a detailed introduction.

Fortunatianus Aquileiensis, Commentary on the Gospels – English Translation and Introduction by H.A.G. Houghton

The discovery of a new work from late antiquity is always a landmark in the history of research. Fortunatianus´ extensive commentary shines new light on fourth-century biblical interpretation and the exegetical practices and literary work of an African bishop ministering in north Italy in this period. What is more, it appears to be dependent on works by Origen and Victorinus of Poetovio which are no longer preserved.
In order to make this important work available to a wider audience, Hugh Houghton has prepared an English translation and introduction in conjunction with the COMPAUL project on the earliest commentaries on the New Testament as sources for the biblical text.

Fortunatianus redivivus. Bischof Fortunatian von Aquileia und sein Evangelienkommentar, ed. by Lukas J. Dorfbauer, with Victoria Zimmerl-Panagl (CSEL Extra Seriem)

This volume includes papers presented at the September 2015 international conference in Salzburg entitled “Forunatianus Redivivus,” which focused on the commentary on the gospels by Bishop Forunatianus of Aquileia, first discovered in 2012. To supplement the first edition (CSEL 103), these papers examine this major “new” text, so extraordinarily important for patristics, from the perspectives of philology, theology, and historiography.