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Extra Seriem Müller

Hildegund Müller, Eine Psalmenpredigt über die Auferstehung. Augustinus, Enarratio in psalmum 65. Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar. – Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1997.
A sample edition of a single sermon by Augustine on a Psalm, as a part of the entire critical edition of St. Augustine’s Enarrationes in psalmos being prepared for the CSEL. Augustine interprets Psalm 65 (66) as a hymn on the resurrection, a concept whose various levels of meaning he developed in an artistically structured and rhetorically polished sermon. The new edition tries to do justice to this complex text by a carefully determining, correcting, and punctuating the Latin text. An introduction which deals with the dating and the place where the sermon was given, the manuscript tradition–which has now for the first time been studied almost completely–and the literary interpretation of the sermon, accompanies the text. A German translation and an extensive commentary on textual problems offer justification for the editor’s choice of variant readings and conjectures.