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Extra Seriem Text und Bild – CSEL

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Extra Seriem Text und Bild

Text und Bild. Tagungsbeiträge, hrsg. von Victoria Zimmerl-Panagl – Dorothea Weber. – Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2010.
The volume presents papers read at the international Symposium “Text und Bild” which was held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (April 2-4, 2009). This Symposium was organised by the Commission for Editing the Corpus of the Latin Church Fathers (CSEL) and the Institute for the Study of Ancient Culture (IKAnt) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and by the Institute for Classical Philology, Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies at Vienna University. Part of the articles analyses various kinds of visualisation which Prudentius in his poems implies, describes, or evokes; the authors discuss, for example, in which respects philological and archaeological studies on Prudentius can complement each other, if Prudentius intended, that the reader of his Dittochaeon should look at ‘real’ pictures or just envisage ‘imagined’ ones, and in which way one can transfer the mutual penetration of descriptions and interpretations of pictures as given in the Dittochaeon to other passages of Prudentius’ Ouvre containing visualisations. Furthermore, in order to shed light on characteristics and on the poetical forte of Prudentius in general, some articles concentrate on his other poems and their genuine problems or examine poetic techniques of visualisation applied by authors of roughly the same time. Additionally, a number of articles supply the reader with information about the literary tradition of visualisation Prudentius could build on and with an insight into medieval poetic ‘Tituli’. Finally, the volume is rounded off by interdisciplinary studies dealing with the issue from the viewpoint of History of Arts and Theology or patristic Philology and Music, respectively.