EDENDA is a non-commercial project which is aimed only to support communication between scholars. Private informations such as email addresses will be added to the database only with your consent.
If you want to join the EDENDA database, send us an email message.
It has to contain at least your name, the name of the the author
and the text you are editing and its Clavis number.
Please let us also know whether you want your email address
to be accessible through the editor window.
On the left side, you have a list of all ancient authors being edited.
By clicking on a name, all works of the respective author
will be displayed in the OPUS window.
In this window you have a list of all works being edited.
They are arranged according to authors, and within one author
according to the number of the Clavis
(cf. E. Dekkers, Clavis Patrum Latinorum, 3rd edition,
Steenbrugge 1995). The latter can be accessed directly
via the pulldown menu CLAVIS. By clicking on a work,
this window will display informations on who is
working on an edition of that text. In this window you find some informations on the editor
of the respective text: Her/His name (linked to the
mailto function), the institution, the series in which
the edition will be published, the state of work and
space to add further infos. If you want to send your
data to EDENDA, please use the email link.