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Extra Seriem Collatio – CSEL

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Extra Seriem Collatio

Collatio Augustini Cum Pascentio. Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung. Mit Beiträgen von H. C. Brennecke, H. Reichert und K. Vössing, hrsg. von Hildegund Müller – Dorothea Weber – Clemens Weidmann. – Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2008.
This volume is the result of the international postgraduate workshop “Editing Latin Patristic Texts”, organized by the Kirchenväterkommission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in the summer of 2006. In the course of this workshop, the pseudo-Augustine Collatio cum Pascentio served as an example for carrying out in teamwork the various steps of editing a text such as collating manuscripts, establishing a stemma codicum, constituing the text, compiling a critical apparatus, etc. This is the first critical edition of this text, which was written in Vandal North Africa several decades after Augustine’s death (+ 430). It pretends to be a debate between Augustine and the Arian Pascentius concerning questions of Trinity. The comprehensive introduction provides information on the origin and tradition of this text, which is in many ways as interesting as it is problematic, and discusses questions of authenticity, sources and the literary genre. The text has been edited on the basis of all known manuscripts. A translation has been added for a better understanding. Three separate essays, resulting from lectures during the workshop, deal with historic and social aspects of its background as well as with church policy. The language of the Vandals, from which two much discussed words have come down to us in this text, is given attention as well.